Until recently, the binary watches were still a secret among nerds and engineering friends who were looking for something different than the normal, average watches. By using the binary code, the time is very easy to read for computer friends who will quickly be accustomed to this system. An untrained eye will recognize, however, initially only the LEDs, which quickly will awake the interest in the binary watch.
Known brands of binary watches world are among others Binary Time and Rosato Matrix, which use completely different approaches to the design of the binary watches. While the more traditional binary watches by Binary Time are already watches that show the time using LEDs, Rosato Matrix uses a patented display mode which is based on scales. This variety, which one might not expect at first sight with Binary watches, speaks to men and women alike. Whether fresh and colorful, or understated and futuristic, the manufacturers can come up with some way today to gain broad audience to address and opening up constantly new customer groups.
But also any non-nerd can learn quickly the reading of the binary watch and present himself with a very special watch. For questions about reading the binary watches we are at your disposal, of course, just as with any other questions about binary watches or watches of different brands and types.
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