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Ferdisign originals directly from the artist

Ferdisign clocks are all made by the Dutch artist Ferdi de Bruijn himself. The works, also signed, are made in a very modern and colorful style, sometimes very geometric and in black and white.

Ferdi de Bruijn pursues a very simple yet artistically sophisticated principle in the design of new objects as well as clocks: to refresh the spirit of the everyday objects of a broad mass through a new design or painting and to elevate the everyday object to a work of art that nevertheless retains its function and is not alienated into a mere decorative element.

In particular, the strong colouring of the clocks on canvas is characteristic of his work and makes up a large part of his style. The clocks look almost alive due to the strong colors and the sweeping application and radiate joie de vivre and energy. But the black-and-white models are also very appealing due to the sometimes geometric, sometimes abstract shapes and fit very well into the overall concept, especially with already very colorful apartment furnishings, because although they appear very energetic due to the shapes used, the apartment would not be overloaded with even more color.

But also simpler clocks are made by the well-known artist, for example the wall clocks in wood look, where the artist is more active as a designer and makes the clocks according to his ideas.
